
Products/Solutions Ready to Offer

Here is a catalog of our readily available products and solutions

IT Sicherheit

Schützen Sie mit uns Ihre digitale Infrastruktur.

Software Entwicklung

Individuelle Lösungen für Ihr Unternehmen.

IT zum Fixpreis

Fair, transparent und verlässlich.

Optimaler Service zu einem fairen Preis. Termin

IT Support Services

Our professional IT service allows you to focus on your core business, freeing up resources for your own company.
  • Focus on service providers
  • IT security
  • Service on site germany wide
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One-Time Purchase or Monthly Subscription Available


We offer you with our #digitalahead packages first-class IT service as system administrator at transparent and fair conditions. There are no hidden fees or unexpected costs.
  • Transparent and predictable costs
  • Guaranteed response times
  • Priority treatment
  • Proactive IT support
Contact For Pricing
Monthly Subscription Fee

Software Development

Software development services tailored to your needs, seamlessly linked to state-of-the-art DevOps practices.
  • Transparent and predictable costs
  • Guaranteed response times
  • Priority treatment
  • Proactive IT support
Contact For Pricing
hourly rate or fixed price

Securepoint Firewall

A robust firewall solution tailor-made for the medical sector.
  • Secured KIM connection
  • Patientdata protection
  • Installation inclusive
  • Required by § 75b SGB V (KBV)
Contact For Pricing
One-time setup fee with annual maintenance options
For more details and to explore our complete range of products and solutions, please contact our sales team

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